Calls to Destroy france
As the days slowly drag past, it is becoming more and more apparent that we need to destroy france. Ever since the days of Madame Guillotine, the french population has steadily become more like a drooling imbecile and less like a proud race. True, it was a french man who built and gave the United States the Statue of Liberty (which apparently no longer stands for what it once did in regards to immigration.) True they saved our bacon many years ago. And yes they have given us french kissing. But what have they done lately? All they ever do is whine and complain. Recently the country took a black eye from the immigrant citizens rioting because of working conditions. The ruling government tries to please everyone, and only ends up offending everyone.
Talking about offending, has anyone smelled a frenchman lately? Do those people not know what a shower is? Or even deodorant? I had to sit next to a french girl several years back on a very long plane ride. Oh yes, she had two very nice… well, other than that, it was not a pleasant trip. She smelled so bad, even the tiny restroom smelled better after the token fat lady finished a marathon twenty minutes.
If I were to ask for the first thing you thought of when I said france, you would probably blurt out the Eiffel Tower. That is right, the largest landmark they have, and it was originally intended to be torn down. Pathetic.
All the elves that no one ever see, have begun migrating to france. Since french people are such pathetic worthless specs, the elven nation have found it a safe haven where they can begin anew their quest to dominate man. This is by far the greatest reason to destroy any nation, to rid the world of the elven blight.
Nuke france, and destroy the vermin elves!
I find great offense in this commentaire barbare. We the French have an histoire formidable that we take great pride in.
It is the fumier, the trash, of the world as you are that make all of the problems.
You do not make big the letters in the word “French” as you should. You no have respect for the petit peoples that
make good the shoes and the toys for Saint Claus.
We do give you more than the kiss. We do give you l’amour and you do not return to us l’amour. It is you peoples
that should be the destroyed from the WMD. I spit on you face.
Now tell me please, how a frenchman became enrolled in this school?!
As for the elves, have you not read any books? The more you read, the more you realize that elves care only for themselves. Are greedy, and are always sticking their noses in other people’s business. Just like a frenchman.
As the noted diplomatic representative of the Aelael Barol as a whole, I would like to post our offence to your blatant misrepresentation and poor characterization of the elves. We serve a far greater purpose to mankind that just the wearing of vylia myr (pointy shoes), making tyjor (cookies), and serving the blessed Mal Bolylar (Saint Nickolas, which by the way is a job for the few feeble minded there are among us). Without the vast and reaching wisdom of the elves mankind would never have risen to the level of satisfaction that it now enjoys. One bigot should not just simply bundle us in with the Thael simply because we choose to establish a domain among them. Our motives should not be questioned and our honor is certainly been blackened by these vicious claims. We “inhabit and serve” the Thael and Thael speaking since they seem to have lost their way among men. We are above reproach, and you should be ashamed of yourself. We will continue to help man on a path of enlightenment even if it takes a million years it is our way and our duty. Even one so unenlightened as you could do with a little Aelael Barol influence to aid you in your times of such oblivious need.
Perhaps we shall… sai os jhal shi mar tysti
I do not care about the pointy shoes, cookies, or even helping that fat guy. Those are all beside the point. The point is, you have your nose in our business, and constantly interfering. Mankind has never asked for your assistance in reaching an enlightened state. And yet, here you are, forcing changes. The time for your meddling ways are over! We are seperating from you. We want nothing to do with you. Go live with the french! They enjoy being told what to do and how to do it. When we destroy france, you shall be destroyed with them.
Feanor_Annare, someday you will be dragged to the foot of my throne, in chains and severely beaten. On that day, I will look you in the eye and laugh. And then shall you suffer like no man nor elf has ever suffered before.
Down with both the french and the elven people. they are not worthy of being goo on the bottom of our shoes. let alone allowed to exist. and those who are so low should know their place and be glad we alow them their tempary continued existance until we decide they are to be removed.
Although, they will eventually be eliminated, as the quest for elven genocide continues.